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Grade Level Information

Homework Policy

Parkwood understands that our community supports the academic, social, and emotional growth of all students.  We recognize that our students have different levels of supervision, family support, and time to complete work outside of school.  We also know that some families want nightly homework for their children, others want none, and others believe that homework should depend on individual students' needs.  Experts vary greatly in their opinion as to whether homework increases student learning.

Throughout the 2022-2023 school year, Parkwood students, families and staff worked to develop a consistent, school-wide homework policy.  We incorporated our Equity Agreements, best educational practices, and our core values of Community, Collaboration, Academic Excellence and Respect for Human Differences.  Effective 2023-2024, our uniform expectations are as follows:

  • As a school community, we do not assign mandatory, graded homework that must be completed outside of school hours and submitted by students.
  • All students should read every night.  Students in grades K - 2 should read for 15 minutes nightly and students in grades 3 - 5 should read for 15 - 30 minutes nightly.  This can include students reading quietly to themselves, reading aloud to others, explaining picture books, etc.  Just read!
  • As needed, families can individually work with classroom teachers to identify areas for additional practice outside of school.  This will be unique to individual students and tailored to their special situations.
  • Per Washington state law, Shoreline district policies, and educational best practice, all students are expected to maintain good attendance.  If an absence is unavoidable, families can maintain student learning by encouraging their students to read and write about their experiences as appropriate, practice skills and standards included in grade-level workbooks, journaling, etc.  Because classroom learning cannot be replicated through worksheets, Parkwood teachers do not prepare packets for students to complete during absences.

Families with questions about homework are encouraged to reach out to their child's classroom teacher.